Read MaLLaM 🌙 2.0 blog post!

MaLLaM 🌙

Multi-lingual Chat Language Model, 32k context length, Function Call, Malaysian centric and OpenAI compatible.

Multi-lingual Chat and RAG

Able to understand Standard Malay, local Malay, Jawi, Standard English, Manglish, Mandarin, Tamil and Indonesian as input.
You can communicate multiple languages in a single multi-turn session.

Multi-lingual Function Call

Integrate MaLLaM 🌙 with existing system by using Function Call, also can understand Malay, English, Mandarin and Tamil as input.

Better Roleplay

Now you can ask MaLLaM 🌙 to roleplay any character you want, it can be Mat Rempit, your neighbourhood uncle or anything!

Better Accuracy and cheaper!

MaLLaM 🌙 achieved 100% JSON-able on NousResearch/json-mode-eval, and better accuracy on Malay test set, mesolitica/malay-llm-leaderboard, higher is better.

MaLLaM 🌙 Small only costs $0.40 for 1M tokens output, while gpt-3.5-turbo-0125 costs $1.50 and gpt-4o-mini costs $0.60 for 1M tokens output.

Developer Playground

You can play around with MaLLaM 🌙 at Dashboard

  • 350 TPS MaLLaM 🌙 Small, 500 TPS MaLLaM 🌙 Tiny
  • AI Safety Integration
  • Multiple function call functions
  • Generate code for OpenAI Python, OpenAI NodeJS and CuRL

Prepaid pricing

Best either for solo or a team.

  • Natively Multilingual
    L1 Malay and English
    L2 Jawi, Mandarin and Tamil
  • Natively Multi-lingual RAG
  • Natively Multi-lingual Function Call
  • General knowledge
  • Coding
  • Natively Python Interpreter
  • Multi-turn conversation

MaLLaM 🌙 Small

0.2 USD
per 1M input tokens
0.4 USD
per 1M output tokens

MaLLaM 🌙 Tiny

0.1 USD
per 1M input tokens
0.2 USD
per 1M output tokens

Frequently asked questions

What is the different this MaLLaM 🌙 and MaLLaM 🌙 open source?

This MaLLaM 🌙 continue pretraining on more dataset, finetuned with bigger instruction dataset and aligned with human policy.

What is the rate limit?

Currently we hard limit 1M Tokens per Minute.

How to topup?

Just go to billing page and topup! Minimum 3 USD and Maximum 1000 USD.

Interested for Enterprise solution?

If you are interested to self-host in your virtual private network either on-premise or private cloud with custom solution, email us at or