Translation ➡️

End-to-End blazingly fast Translation with Normalization.


Able to translate local Malay, Jawi, Banjarese, Javanese, Indonesian, local Mandarin, Simple Mandarin, Tamil, Punjabi, Malayalam, Manglish, Standard English, Sabahan, Perak, Pahang, Negeri Sembilan, Melaka, Kedahan and Johor * to Standard Malay and Standard English.
* Limited support.

Natively Code-Switching

Seamlessly code-switching between multi-languages in one sentence.

Translate only on necessary

Important documents such as programming code and similar only need to translate certain parts where Google Translate failed.

Almost Real-time translation

Small able to translate almost real-time performance at average 50 ms compared to other open source models, lower is better.
* Tested using single RTX 3090 Ti for minimum 256 words of 50 sentences.

Competitive benchmark on Standard Translation but better on Normalization Translation

Better on translating local languages to standard languages based on chrF2++ Malaya benchmark, higher is better.

Developer Playground

You can play around with Translation ➡️ at Dashboard

  • 400 TPS ➡️ Base, 700 TPS ➡️ Small
  • local Malay, Jawi, Banjarese, Javanese, Indonesian, local Mandarin, Simple Mandarin, Tamil, Punjabi, Malayalam, Manglish, Standard English, Programming language, Sabahan, Perak, Pahang, Negeri Sembilan, Melaka, Kedahan and Johor for input
  • Standard Malay, Standard English and Jawi for output
  • Generate code for Python Requests and CuRL

Prepaid pricing

Best either for solo or a team.

  • local Malay, Jawi, Banjarese, Javanese, Indonesian, local Mandarin, Simple Mandarin, Tamil, Punjabi, Malayalam, Manglish, Standard English, Programming language, Sabahan, Perak, Pahang, Negeri Sembilan, Melaka, Kedahan and Johor for input
  • Standard Malay, Standard English and Jawi for output
  • 4096 context length
  • Translate only on necessary
  • Natively Normalizer
  • Natively Code-Switching

Translation Base

0.25 USD
per 1M tokens

Translation Small

0.15 USD
per 1M tokens

Frequently asked questions

What is the different this Translation and Malaysian Translation open source?

Translation added more languages and normalization techniques.

What is the rate limit?

Currently we hard limit 1M Tokens per Minute.

How to topup?

Just go to billing page and topup! Minimum 3 USD and Maximum 1000 USD.

Interested for Enterprise solution?

If you are interested to self-host in your virtual private network either on-premise or private cloud with custom solution, email us at or