End-to-End Classifier, coming soon !


End-to-End Classifier, low latency and Multi-lingual.


Multi-lingual dynamic text tagging

Classify Standard Malay, local Malay, Standard English, Manglish, Mandarin, Indonesian, Tamil and Malayalam text input using dynamic tagging provided.

Multi-lingual dynamic word tagging

Classify Standard Malay, local Malay, Standard English, Manglish, Mandarin, Indonesian, Tamil and Malayalam word input using dynamic tagging provided.

SFW Classifier and Why

Classify Standard Malay, local Malay, Standard English, Manglish, Mandarin, Indonesian, Tamil and Malayalam text input as Safe-for-Work for Large Language Model and has option to explain the reason.

Faster Guardrail

Lower latency compared to Large Language Model to evaluate out-of-context for RAG.

Frequently asked questions

Is there any open source dataset related to this?

Safe-for-Work done by Aisyah Razak at malaysia-ai/malaysian-sfw-classifier

What is the rate limit?

Currently we hard limit 1M Tokens per Minute.

How to topup?

Just go to billing page and topup! Minimum 3 USD and Maximum 1000 USD.

Interested for Enterprise solution?

If you are interested to self-host in your virtual private network either on-premise or private cloud with custom solution, email us at khalil@mesolitica.com or husein@mesolitica.com