Build with MaLLaM πŸŒ™ on your data for 10X productivity gains.

Customizable chatbot solution using Chatbot Pipeline.

dashboard overview


Straight forward but granular options to create the chatbots.

  • Custom Persona, Dynamic context length and force language
  • Available MaLLaM πŸŒ™ and ChatGPT
  • Support Gdrive, Gsheet, Gdoc, IPFS and automatic web crawling
  • Customizable Web Widget

Chat History

Easy search for historical user chats with Explainable AI.

  • Dynamic search based on text and chatbots
  • Tag chatbot attributes
  • Explain This! by MaLLaM πŸŒ™ mechanism

Choose the right package for your business

Startup πŸ₯ˆ

Business Automation

RM 500 / chatbot / month
  • 10,000 KBR Units
  • All channels
  • Premium support
  • Private Knowledge Base
Get Started

Enterprise πŸ₯‡

High Volume

Custom / month
  • ♾️ KBR Units
  • All channels
  • Premium support
  • Private Knowledge Base
  • Private Network either on premise or cloud
Contact Us

Frequently asked questions

What does "Customer Containment Rate" mean?

The accuracy rate for Chatbot Engine. Data point derived from a conversation thread that is tagged with "Success" or "Fail". The handover of to a human-agent is considered a "Fail" value.

What does "Knowledge Base Reply" mean?

The unit economics of Chatbot. A conversation thread that triggers a single call to Chatbot customer's database. Multiple reply with one (1) database call = one (1) unit.

How to start Chatbot subscription?

First time registration will get trial for 7 days, after that you can choose preferred package inside billing page.

Interested for Enterprise solution?

If you are interested to self-host in your virtual private network either on-premise or private cloud with custom solution, email us at or